Classic oxymorons
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- Act naturally
- Advanced BASIC
- Airline food
- Almost exactly
- Almost ready
- Alone together
- American beer
- American culture
- Assistant Supervisor
- Athletic Scholarship
- Authentic Replica
- Awful good
- Birth control
- Bittersweet
- Bottoms up
- Business ethics
- Busy vacation
- Butt head
- Civil disobedience
- Civil War
- Clearly misunderstood
- Cold sweat
- Common sense
- Congressional ethics
- Constant change
- Country music
- Criminal justice
- Dead tired
- Deafening silence
- Death Benefits
- Definite maybe
- Dodge Ram
- Down escalator
- Dress pants
- Dry wine/beer
- Dry ice
- Elevated subway
- English language
- Even odds
- Exact estimate
- False witness
- Far closer
- Fire water
- Found missing
- Free trade
- Freezer burn
- Friendly Fire
- Frozen fresh
- Genuine imitation
- Good grief
- Government Worker
- Great Depression
- Guest Host
- Happily married
- Happy Holidays
- Hollywood marriage
- Holy War
- Home life
- Ice water
- Icy hot
- Idiot Savant
- Ill executed
- Immediate future
- Infinite number
- Jumbo shrimp
- Legally drunk
- Limited space
- Live recording
- Magic trick
- Married life
- Metal wood
- Microsoft Works
- Military Intelligence
- Missed opportunity
- Mutual differences
- Near Miss
- Night Light
- Non-Alcoholic beer
- Non-dairy creamer
- Old news
- Open secret
- Ordinary hero
- Organized chaos
- Original copy
- Passive aggression
- Peace force
- Peacekeeper missile
- Physical Education
- Plastic glasses
- Political justice
- Pop Culture
- Postal Service
- Pretty ugly
- Random order
- Rap Music
- Republican Party
- Resident Alien
- Same Difference
- Silent alarm
- Slave wages
- Small fortune
- Small crowd
- Smart bomb
- Social worker
- Soft rock
- Sports sedan
- Standard options
- Student teacher
- Sweet agony
- Sweet sorrow
- Tax free
- Tight slacks
- Unauthorized biography
- Unbiased opinion
- Uninvited guest
- Utter silence
- Vegetarian hamburger
- Victimless crime
- War games
- White chocolate
- Whopper junior
- Wise Man (From Beckey and Sarah, not me!)
- Womens' rights (Rob Devereaux's idea, not mine!)
- Working vacation
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