Colorful synonyms for the word drunk
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- A bit on
- A couple of chapters into the novel
- A public mess
- A weeble (you know, they wobble but they don't fall down)
- About gone
- About right
- Afflicted
- Afloat
- Alcoholized
- Alcoholled
- Alkied-up
- All gone
- All gowed up
- Ambushed
- Annihilated
- At peace with the floor
- Backwards
- Banged up on sauce (England)
- Bassackwards
- Beerified
- Behind the cork
- Beligerant
- Belted
- Bent
- Besoffen (German)
- Besotted
- Bezopen (Flemish)
- Bibacious
- Blackout Drive (GI term)
- Bladdered
- Blasted
- Bleary Eyed
- Blitzed
- Blitzkrieged
- Blobbin'
- Blotto (Ireland)
- Blowin' a 2
- Blowin' beer bubbles
- Blown-away
- Boiled
- Bolloxed (Ireland)
- Bombarded
- Bombed
- Boozed-up
- Borracho (Spanish)
- Brahms and List (pissed cockney ryming slang east London)
- Brandy-faced
- Broken
- Buckled (Ireland)
- Bull-dozed
- Bullet (Tennessee)
- Butt wasted
- Buzzed
- Can't see a hole in a ladder
- Canceled
- Caught the Irish flu
- Chemically enhanced
- Chemically imbalanced
- Cockeyed
- Cognacked
- Comblasted
- Comblinded
- Corked-up
- Count Drunkula
- Cracked
- Cranked
- Crocked
- Crushed
- Cued up
- Dead to the world
- Derailed
- Disorderly
- Dizzy as a coot
- Down the creek
- Drita (Norwegian)
- Driving home 'cause I can't fucking walk
- Drucking Funk
- Drunk as a ships cat (Newcastle, England)
- Drunk as a hand cart (Newcastle, England)
- Drunk as a skunk
- Drunkity drunk
- Drunky drunk
- Embalmed
- Envergado (Honduran)
- Fears no man
- Feeling Irish
- Feeling no pain
- Fermented
- Fired-up
- Flambéd
- Floatin'
- Floored
- Flutered (Ireland)
- Fractured
- Frayed
- Fried
- Fubar
- Fucked up
- Fully kroizoned
- Furschnickered
- Gansado (Portuguese)
- Gassed
- Gassosa (Italian)
- Gilded
- Ginned-up
- Glazed
- Goggled
- Gone
- Gone Borneo
- Gonzo
- Good to go
- Greased
- Had tutu (two too) many
- Half-cocked
- Half-cut (Ireland)
- Half-gone
- Hammered
- Happy
- Has a package on
- Has a perma smile
- Hooched-up
- Horizontal
- How-came-you-so?
- Hummin'
- Humored
- Hurting a turtle
- Imbibed
- Impaired
- In a ditch
- In his cups
- In rare form
- In the ozone
- In the gutter
- Inebriated
- Influenced
- Intoxed
- Intoxicated
- Invincible
- Jacked
- Jazzed
- Jazzed-up
- Jiggered
- JD'd to the max
- Juiced
- Just south of bejesus
- K.O.'d
- Keilazarus (Holland)
- Keyed
- La Femme Drunkita
- Lazarus (Holland)
- Leaked
- Leanin'
- Leg-less
- Licked
- Liquored up
- Lit
- Lit up
- Langered (Ireland)
- Loaded
- Locked (Ireland)
- Logged (Canadian, eh)
- Looking like "Weekend At Bernie's"
- Looped
- Lubed up
- Lubricated
- Lushed
- Lushed-up
- Mareado (Spanish)
- Marinated
- Massacred
- Merry (Ireland: drunk but can still walk)
- Messed up
- Mingin'(Scotland)
- Mortal drunk (Newcastle, England)
- Not so Farfrompuken
- Nuked
- Off of his trolley
- Off ya face (Australia)
- Off ya nut (Australia)
- Ossified (Ireland)
- Out of his mind
- Out of his tree (Australia)
- Out of it
- Paralatic (Ireland)
- Pealaid (S. Louisiana)
- Pickled
- Pie eyed
- Pissed
- Pissed as a fart
- Pissed as a newt
- Pissed out his face
- Pissin'
- Plastered
- Plowed over
- Poegaai (South Africa)
- Poisoned
- Polluted
- Possessed
- Put one on
- Quaffed
- Rat-arsed (London)
- Redirected
- Reekin' (Scottish)
- Ripped
- Roaring (Ireland)
- Rocked
- Rooked
- Roped
- Ruined
- Rummed-up
- Saturated
- Sauced
- Schlonkered
- Schnockered
- Schtumphy
- Schwacked
- Screwed
- Scuppered
- Seasoned
- Seeing triple
- Shellacked
- Shickered (Australia)
- Shit faced
- Shithoused
- Silly
- Slambasted
- Slammed
- Slappin' happy
- Slickered
- Slobbered
- Sloppy
- Sloshed
- Slozzled
- Smashed
- Smoked
- Smuckered
- Smurfed Up
- Snockered
- So lit you could read by him
- So wet he ripples
- Soaked
- Sodden
- Sotally Tober
- Sotted
- Soused
- Sozzled
- Spanked
- Squashed
- Squiffy
- Stewed
- Stinko
- Stinky
- Stocious (Ireland)
- Stonato (Italian)
- Stoned
- Stooped
- Strontzat (Flemish)
- Stuk in men Kloten (Flemish)
- Stupid
- Stupified
- Sunk
- Tanglefooted
- Tanked
- Tanked-up
- Tatered
- Tepo (Spanish)
- Three sheets to the wind
- Throwed off
- Tied one on
- Tipped
- Tipsey
- To' up from the flo' up
- Toasted
- Topped off
- Torqued
- Totalled
- Toxed
- Toxic
- Trashed
- Trollied
- Trounced
- Trousered
- Tuned up
- Tweeked
- Umbriacco (Italian)
- Under the influence
- Under the table
- Unk-dray
- Unsober
- Vulcanized
- Wankered
- Wasted
- Wearing a wobbly boot (Australia)
- Well oiled
- Well-bottled
- Wet
- Whiskey-frisky
- Whiskeyfied
- Wicked retarded (Boston)
- Wired-up
- Wobbly
- Wrecked
- Ziced
- Zipped
- Zonked
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